¿Why Barcelona?

Barcelona Solutions1…They say success depends on the effort you put into something, creativity and efficiency. Interestingly, these are just Barcelona’s characteristics, too. Everyone remembers the organisation of those wonderful Olympic Games of ’92 . And that legacy is more relevant today than ever. Most of the meetings held in Barcelona end up with record-breaking participation figures ! Join the club of those meetings that repeat destinations.

2…Barcelona is just the right size: not too big, not too small. You can nip between the most interesting sights, by cycle -thanks to an extensive network of bike lanes-, by walking or public transport , and you can soon get to the must-see sights in your free time. In Barcelona, everything is close at hand !

3…Thanks to its great weather, diet, and above all, its character, you will see the true meaning of the word ‘Mediterranean’ in Barcelona. You can feel its cosmopolitan and dynamic spirit in the air and you actually live the Mediterranean experience. This magic draws you out onto the streets to stroll and enjoy the city’s five kilometres of Mediterranean beaches.

4…And what history: over 2000 years of it! You´ll come across Roman ruins , Gothic treasures and surprises from the Renaissance age. Visiting the different corners of Barcelona is an authentic journey through time.

5…Picasso, Miró, Dalí, Gaudí, Tàpies… they were in their time at the vanguard of their movements and their testing-ground was Barcelona. That creative flair and typical Catalan restlessness is very much part of the city today and this is reflected in the buildings, exhibitions , and the design and art that you’ll find in the most unexpected places .

6…All you have to do is get on a plane to Barcelona: the city has excellent air connections to the vast majority of Spanish, European and major intercontinental destinations. As well, the airport is just 15 minutes from the city centre. You make the most of your time when you come to Barcelona!

7…Whether for large conferences or more intimate gatherings, Barcelona has just the right facility. Imagine a banquet in a charming historic place ? Or perhaps a cutting-edge facility for that unbeatable presentation? There’s such a variety of welcoming and modern hotels.

8…People in Barcelona are very mindful of the legacy that we want to leave our grandchildren , so that’s why we want to protect our environment and resources. Barcelona was the first city in the world to get Biosphere certification, which is a guarantee that Barcelona manages its tourism in a responsible and sustainable way.

9…Maybe the locals walk fast, but they always find a moment to chat. We know that a smile is the best calling card, and in Barcelona you will find lots! With a smile , the day starts much better.

10…Every time you come to Barcelona, there’s a nice surprise: a unexpected event or market, an outdoor concert, a fun-run to watch, an impromptu street party, an alternative-type festival … Things are always happening in Barcelona, and that’s why no one gets bored here!

11…Barcelona has always been a welcoming city. Today you’ll find more than 160 different nationalities here: a melting pot of cultures and languages that make it an example of coexistence and dynamism.

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